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Rumah Golden Palm

Disewakan Rumah Golden Palm, Sebelah Citra Garden V - Cengkareng. Dua lantai, listrik 2.000W, ada 3 unit AC, Ada water heater, kompor Gas, 2 kamar tidur, 2 kamar mandi.
Luas 48m2. Berminat Hub : 08164824650 - 08164824650 - 70940030 ( Tersewa )

Rumah Mangga Besar

Disewakan Rumah di Mangga Besar IVA, 2 lantai, ada 3 kamar, Luas 42m2, baru renovasi, Jalan masuk mobil cuma Buntu, Ada AC, listrik 2.200 Watt, +/- 100m dari jalan Mangga Besar Raya , Harga sewa 30 juta/tahun Nego Berminat Hub : 08164824650 - 08979002010 - (021) 70940030 ( Tersewa )

Rabu, 08 Juli 2009

AnakTerkecil Di Dunia

Kenadie Jourdin-Bromley, known around the world as "the littlest angel", was born Feb.13, 2003, weighing just 2 lbs, 8 ounces. Doctors were at a loss as to why she was born so small and told her parents this little miracle baby likely wouldn't live through the night. But she did.

She continued to defy doctors expectations and at the age of 8 months, Kenadie was finally diagnosed with primordial dwarfism, a genetic condition that is believed to affect only about 100 people in the world. She isn't expected to grow past about 30 inches or weigh more than 8 pounds.

Nearing the age of four, Kenadie now walks, runs, laughs, smiles and is beginning to talk. But, perhaps more importantly, it's the way Kenadie makes people feel that is her strongest achievement.

She may be small but no one would argue that this little girl has an enormous effect on people throughout the world.

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